Kgale Hill: A Journey of Enlightenment and Inner Resilience

Where Words Meet Purpose

Kgale Hill: A Journey of Enlightenment and Inner Resilience

In the heart of Gaborone, embraced by the beauty of a magical landscape, there is a trail that calls out to explorers. This trail isn’t just about walking – it’s a journey that helps you discover yourself. It winds through nature’s wonders and is known as Kgale Hill. This special path challenges those who are brave enough to try it, pushing them to find their inner strength. When the sun paints the land with gold, a big decision awaits – take the easy path on smooth roads or take the hard path over rocky ground. This hard path doesn’t just test your body; it tests your spirit too.

Nestled within the heart of Gaborone, Botswana, Kgale Hill, known as “The Place that Dried Up” in Setswana, stands as a captivating testament to nature’s beauty and grandeur. Aptly nicknamed “The Sleeping Giant,” Kgale Hill reaches a summit elevation of 1.287 kilometers (0.8 miles) above sea level, making it a towering presence and believed to be the highest point in Botswana.

This iconic landmark offers not just sweeping panoramic vistas, but a unique hiking experience as well. Adventurers seeking to conquer Kgale Hill have a choice of three trails to climb, each offering its own challenges and rewards. As you ascend its slopes, you might even be greeted by the curious gaze of troops of baboons, adding an element of wildlife encounter to your hike. Kgale Hill isn’t merely a physical challenge or a scenic spot; it’s a slice of history and a testament to the bond between nature and urban life in Gaborone.

I stood at the bottom of this hill, ready to conquer it for the very first time. Little did I know I was starting a journey that would soon change me. Bra Lucky, a friendly guide who would become my protector, asked a question: “Which way, the easy or the hard?” The easy way, he explained is longer and smooth, and offers a gentle climb. The hard way is tough – you have to climb over rocks and boulders. But once you start the hard way, you cannot turn back. It is too steep.

I had no answer. Time would tell. We still had to get to the 33% mark anyway before branching off.
As we started climbing, only five minutes passed and I was already out of breath. My chest felt hot, and my muscles hurt. Every inch of my body was in pain. The hill’s rocky path looked really hard. At that moment, I thought about quitting. At the same time, I knew I could not quit. So, we kept on going.
After enduring about 40 minutes of slow, excruciating torture, we eventually arrived at a flat surface. Relief swept over me – I had reached it, or so I thought. As I tossed my backpack aside to catch my breath, my eyes caught sight of a horrifying sign painted brightly on the rock: 33%. It hit me like a wave. We had covered only one-third of the way! The realization was utterly demotivating.

Bra Lucky said maybe we should go back. Many people stopped here anyways. He went on to declare I would not make it past that point.

In that big moment, I felt a strong anger inside. I remembered times when I had given up before, and I didn’t want that to happen again. The words “most people stop here” made me mad. I didn’t want to be like “most people.”

So, quietly, I said– “I am Maria MacAndrew.” It was more than a name; it was a promise that I wasn’t limited by the past or by what others thought. I wouldn’t be like “most people.”
I picked up my backpack and forged forward. The choice was made. The next step was forward, and with each step, I remembered all the times I hadn’t believed in myself. My heart beat faster, pushing me against the pull to stop. The path got steeper, the challenges bigger, but my determination grew. With every step, my anger turned into a strong will. I wasn’t retreating; I was moving forward.

The Path of Determination

At the crossroads, the choice between easy and hard came again. Bra Lucky explained once again what choosing the steep path meant. A book came to mind – “Burn the Boats: Toss Plan B Overboard and Unleash Your Full Potential” by Matt Higgins. The message hit home: If I was going to make it up that mountain, I had to toss plan B. I had to make it so hard for me to turn back. Without giving myself time to talk myself out of the crazy decision I was about to make, I took the hard path. I was climbing like an animal, hands and feet working together. The pain increased, my chest burned, but I remember mumbling the words “I can, I will, and I must” remembering Coach Payne’s and ET’s motivating videos.

Triumph at the Summit of Kgale Hill

As we reached around the 65% mark, the pain intensified, enveloping me in its grip. There was no escape from it, no option to turn back. If an easy way down had been available, I would have taken it without a second thought. Every fiber of my being screamed for a break. I felt utterly depleted. I had nothing left to give. Every ache, every discomfort in my body was magnified. In that moment, the only way to alleviate the misery was to push forward, one rock at a time, placing one foot in front of the other. I could not even look back. Newsflash, I have an unbelievable fear of heights.

Glancing back would have meant confronting the struggle I had faced, a reminder of the difficulties overcome. However, with no possibility of retracing my steps, the only path left was the one that led upward. In this challenging juncture, my phone and earphones became my companions, providing a lifeline of motivational words. Step by step, I continued my ascent, drawing strength from each small victory, one rock at a time. And then, all at once, I found myself standing at the top – a breathtaking moment.

Meeting Muscles and Embracing the Engine

From that day onward, I transformed into more than just an ordinary hiker; I became a daily hiker, resolute in my determination to climb until the pain subsided. And today, I stand at the summit, yearning for the hill to be twice or thrice its size. The days settled into a routine, a commitment to follow the challenging path. Moreover, I enjoyed the moments of quiet solitude for meditation, writing, and planning that I found upon the hill.

A significant aspect of my climbs was the opportunity to meet fellow hikers – athletes, trainers, and others. Most chose to avoid the difficult path.

One day, I met a remarkable gentleman who was coming down the hill. His physique appeared to have leapt straight out of a fitness and bodybuilding magazine. Covered in sweat, it was evident that he had sprinted both uphill and downhill. I hoped my gaze hadn’t given away my admiration for his well-built frame. After a brief exchange of words, we discussed the various trails on the mountain. He revealed that he solely used the easier route and confessed that, throughout his years of hiking up Kgale, he had never attempted the rocky path. According to him, that route required a “big engine” to conquer – whatever that meant.

“It’s tough,” he said with the strongest conviction. “You need a big engine for it.”
This undirected compliment struck deeply. It made me recognize that while I had spent months scaling the challenging path, I had done it without a big engine. My own reservoir of determination, paired with the capacity to persevere regardless of the difficulties or discomfort, as well as eliminating any opportunity to give up, was my true big engine.

I remember making a vow that day – that nothing would hinder my pursuit of what I believe I deserve. I might be the least knowledgeable person in a room, the least educated, or the one with the least expertise. However, armed with my own version of a big engine, I can shatter boundaries beyond the capabilities even of the strongest men.

Conclusion: Lessons from Kgale Hill Heights and Hope

What had started as a choice between easy and hard became a journey of discovering myself and feeling empowered. Kgale Hill had shown me my hidden strengths, proving that limits weren’t set in stone. Meeting other hikers and hearing motivating words had helped me stay strong. As Kgale Hill becomes a memory, it gave me a story of triumph. The challenges were symbols of empowerment, and the memory of the view from the top reminded me that determination could conquer anything. The path, whether rocky or smooth, had taught lessons and brought hope. Within its trails, I found a better version of myself and learned that I was the big engine that moved me forward, wherever I went. In fact, I might just write a book entitled Unleashing Your Big Engine……….

Empowering Entrepreneurs to Bounce Back and Level Up

After years of informally assisting businesses in navigating challenges, I’m thrilled to announce a new initiative. I’ve decided to dedicate a portion of my time to supporting fellow entrepreneurs who are facing difficulties. If you’re striving to overcome hurdles and elevate your business, I’m here to offer an outside perspective, help you bounce back, and level up. Together, let’s turn challenges into opportunities and build a path to success. Reach out to me for a complimentary consultation, and let’s embark on this journey of growth and transformation.

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